Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Plot Twists and Life Lessons

October 14th

College has been throwing me a lot of plot twists lately.

To begin with, attending SDSU is one big plot twist in my life. In high school, I never planned on moving away from home and even if I did, San Diego was not on my list. But this plot twist has so far been an amazing experience -- I love it here. There are so many things I have done and encountered and people I have met that I wouldn't have met otherwise.

I have learned to love and accept the plot twists life gives me. I may have a rough draft of how I want my life to run until I'm 30, but I have come to realize that unexpected situations are put into my life for a reason. Whether they be good or bad, I will always come out a better and stronger person from them.

Since coming here, multiple plot twists have occurred.
For example, a year ago, I would have laughed at someone's face if they told me I would be a part of a fraternity... yet here I am. I am currently in the pledging process of a service and leadership co-ed fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega. And I love it.

That's just one example. Don't get me wrong -- some of the lemonades I've made from the lemons life has thrown me ended up being sour. But it's okay because I have learned to add a little bit more sugar the next time.

I don't exactly know what that little sugar is, but I know that my college experience will help me figure it out. The people I have met here and the environment I have decided to surround myself with will help me find that sweetness I need in my life.

I can tell you now that the past two months I have been here has been an endless amount of learning. Aside from academics, I have learned a lot about other people, other cultures and myself. My morals and conviction and strength are being tested everyday, and I am slowly learning how to stand up again and again.

Even though my life still needs that little sugar,  every single time I have made a sour lemonade, there has always been a friend to add a little bit of theirs to make it better for me. Whether it be through Skype, call, text or one of the friends I have made here in college or at church, I have a constant support system. Of course, my number one support is God and my Bible; however, physical support never hurts. I can't even count how many pats on the back or hugs or words of encouragement I have gotten every time I would hit a low.  I can't verbalize just how thankful I am for each and every single person God has given me in my life. There is never a day when I would feel unloved and not taken care of. If anything, I am always surrounded by an endless amount of honesty, love and care through my family and friends and even instructors from my school.

I am waiting for the day I will be hit by another plot twist because that may be the time I will finally learn who I truly am. I have not hit that point in my life where I can say, "Hello, my name is Annika and this is who I am." I am still in the process of developing as a servant, a daughter, a student and friend. My college life is benefiting me in the sense that I am growing every day, sometimes even without me noticing.

To all you seniors currently applying for college: once it has come to the time where you need to choose a school to attend, choose wisely. You may not end up following your Plan A, but life has an immense amount of opportunity out there for you.

We may not know the reason behind everything that is going on in our lives, but someday we will look back and see why. We don't need to see to believe; we may not have the ability to see our future right now, but we have every reason to believe that the life we have ahead of us is going to be something beyond we expect. I'm pretty sure a lot of adults can agree with me, and even think about their lives at my age and see how that has shaped them into the person they are today.

There is one thing I challenge all who may read this blog (if there are any): be kind. Be kind to others, and especially to yourself. We may hit a low, even our lowest low, but we will always have at least one person (and if not, God) to pick us right back up and give us a little nudge to motivate us to keep on going. Don't beat yourself up for hitting a low because everyone hits a low -- it's part of being a human.

My rant is officially over. :P
My goal, now that midterms is over, is to make time to write more. This has become my official creative outlet, and without it, I tend to get a little crazy. Have a GREAT life, and thanks for even reading this. I know most of people I know have crazy busy schedules.

"If what's ahead scares you, and what's behind hurts you, then look above; God will guide you."

Much sun,
