Tuesday, April 5, 2016

An Open Letter to my High School Senior friends

05 April 2016

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams." Thoreau

Dear my senior friends,

I hope you enjoyed your senior year. Now that you've sent your college applications, have received your (most) college letters, it is time to enjoy your last days in high school. Time to get ready for prom, for graduation, and keep your grades just good enough not to get rescinded.

When I was a senior, I let go off all of my worries after getting accepted to college. I spent time with my friends, lowerclassmen, and even some of my teachers. I ditched a couple classes to make some good memories, went out for coffee with friends I haven't talked to since sophomore year and made sure I let my teachers know just how much I appreciated all the work they helped me with.

I hope you're doing some of these things.

I know high school seems like it kind of sucks sometimes, but trust me, sometimes I miss high school. I miss the workload, the teachers who inspired me and helped me become the person I am now, and being forced to see my best friends every single day.

Once I got into colleges and chose the school to go to, I felt free. But scared. I felt free because, wow - a college wanted me! I have my fall semester planned out! But at the same time, I was scared because I won't be living at home. Although my school is only two hours away from home, it's still far enough for me to miss it.

So, this is mainly for my friends who won't be living at home next year: it will be okay. I know that most of you just cannot wait to get out of your house, but at the same time, you have a tint of fear that you won't like it where you go.

College is difficult to adjust to in the beginning. I have to be honest and say that I cried a lot. I called my friends from home on a daily basis, wanting their company more than these losers who live in my building. I ate alone most of the time. I stayed quiet in class.

But if there is one thing I learned, it is that you have to try to get out of your comfort zone. Talk to new people, introduce yourself to the other freshmen in your classes, and join a club you're interested in. College is so big that you'll definitely find a home.

I met 100+ other students during my first month here, but I still only talk to two of them. Eventually, I joined a co-ed fraternity, a club, and an association for my major. Within these things, I found my home. The girl who cried almost daily during the first month eventually made friends and found her will to grow as an individual.

But what if you end up not liking it at all?
What if you end up hating your major, your school, the people around you?

It. Will. Be. Okay.

We're young - it's not too late for change.

It's normal to change majors, or even to change universities. I know a couple friends who changed their majors the first month of school, or even at the end of the semester. I also know a couple people who have switched from university to the next.

The most important thing is that you are happy where you are, and you feel that you are provided with the opportunities that you are looking for, whether it be through clubs or networking for your major.

What I learned the most from university is that you grow every day. You mess up, and you learn from it. You get to try new things you never even thought you would do (like me joining a co-ed fraternity), and you become friends with people you never thought you'd meet.

It's okay to be scared, especially if you go out of state. But remember one thing: you'll be starting a whole new chapter in your life. Make the most of it.

When summer comes, make a plan. What you want to pack, what you need to buy, what you want to explore, goals you want to accomplish while in college. I encourage you all to just go for it. The possibilities are unlimited. You get to create your own path and be inspired to do something you probably wouldn't have thought of in high school. For some of us, college is one more step in reaching our dreams for the future.

So, cheers to all my senior friends. You only have a couple more weeks to go! Have fun, and make memories. Then, the next thing you know, you'll be off to begin a new adventure.

I cannot wait to see what college has in store for all of you.

With love,

P.S. I watched a lot of youtube videos about my college (SDSU), what to pack for college, what to expect in college, what I wish I knew before college. If you have any questions, feel free to talk to me.

Dedicated to: Jessica Oh

Friday, January 29, 2016

It Didn't Go As Planned, but That's OK

January 29th

Nearly a year ago, I was still doubting if I truly wanted go into the medical field.

Growing up, I've always wanted to be a teacher. However, around sixth grade, I decided that what I really wanted to do in life is act. I wanted to be "an actress-slash-director," as I used to say. Everything that I did surrounded acting -- workshops, theater, solo performances, recitals, auditions, LA trips, Orange County High School of Arts, Glee, Newport Beach Film Festival, movies, film classes, screenwriting classes, and multiple friends in Hollywood. That was the life. 

I was so set on pursuing film and theater in college that I even toured the sets of Universal Studios, UCLA, USC and Chapman University Film Schools. I networked with alumni and current film students at USC, ready to ask for letters of recommendations. I had so much passion, so much drive, and (as I humbly say) talent that I had confidence I would succeed in Hollywood if I pursued this career path. My whole family and my friends knew what I wanted and what I was going for -- they all supported me unconditionally.

However, life works in mysterious ways.

My high school required juniors to intern at any location where they would be interested in working in the future. My first plans: LA agency or a production company. I job shadowed and volunteered at Newport Beach Film Festival that spring, wanting to see the ins and outs of popular film festivals. I had already talked to old acting teachers, and an agency I once auditioned for -- if I wanted an internship in LA, I could have gotten it.

One day, my mother said, "You already know a lot of things in the entertainment industry. Why not explore medicine?" I had grown up surrounded with science -- my step-dad is an engineer, my mother (and most of my relatives) is a nurse, my brother is a Biology major. I had competed in Science Olympiad, Academic Pentathlon, attended science fairs, and presented science projects at the Nixon Library. I had the love for science, even though I never thought of it as a career choice.

I listened to my mother (as we always should). I decided to apply for an internship at UCI Medical Center, along with 24 other students from my school. We did three rotations, spending two weeks in each rotation.

During my rotation at the Acute Rehabilitation Unit, my life turned into a rollercoaster. Going in, I told my mentor that there was no way I would ever consider nursing. "I don't want to be like my mom," I said. I focused my rotations at the medical center with physical therapists, not nursing. However, as time passed, I found the work of physical therapists to be unexciting.

I ended up following a bunch of nurses during all my three rotations instead.

You see, nurses are like the backbone of a hospital. They take care of the patients, communicate with families, assess conditions, and even though they are qualified to do the work of a doctor, they still had to clean rooms and wipe butts. For me, that was humbling. 

I cannot tell you how confused I was about my life right there and then. All these years, I have focused on networking in the entertainment industry. I wanted to be an actress! If you know me, you know how indecisive I am. Just to get an idea, I had to flip a coin the other day because I couldn't decide what to eat for lunch. Acting was the one thing I was sure of.

But then again, life works in mysterious ways.

The Lord put a patient with osteoporosis in my life for one week. This patient became my muse. She helped me see that maybe I should give nursing a try. Maybe, just maybe, I've been focused on the wrong thing. Maybe I can be a nurse and become a teacher, like what I wanted when I was just a little tiny munchkin.

I told my mom at the end of my summer that I'm going to apply to nursing schools. My mom, at first, laughed. She did not believe me. I have a reputation of being the most sarcastic child, so I didn't really blame her. She didn't even believe me until she actually saw my college applications.

During the course of my senior year, I kept on testing whether I really belonged in the medical field. I took my Basic Life Support certification (CPR, First Aid, AED) just to see if it'd maybe freak me out. Then I took my phlebotomy certification; surely, getting blood from another human being would make me back out. My externship for phlebotomy was even at a not-very-nice hospital; I wanted to see if I'd hate working with medical assistants who gossiped all day and patients who didn't speak a lick of English. Instead, I enjoyed the process of getting those certifications and met amazing people along the way.

Fast forward, I am now a nursing major in a 4-year BSN program. When my mom told me that nursing school was hard, I didn't completely believe her until I actually started college. As freshmen, multiple students already failed a class. The program had to keep readjusting requirements so that the majority of the students would not fail. I heard of first-semester sophomores failing out of the program, and dozens who were changing their majors. So many people want to become nurses today that programs are starting to get harder.

Personally, I believe that I will pass nursing school. It'll most likely take most of my sleep, my social life, and my mind but I believe that with the guidance of the Lord, family, and friends, anything is possible. 

School gets tough; after all, we have to earn our degrees. However, as long as we remind ourselves of why we decided to pursue our career paths in the first place, we will get through. Sometimes I cannot help but think, "What if I decided to pursue film instead?"

But then I continue to think, "Well, what if I decided not to even consider becoming a nurse?" Imagine all the friends I wouldn't have met, the school I wouldn't have attended, and the professors I would not have learned from.

I wouldn't trade anything for the experience I have gotten this year at San Diego.

This post is more for me than for anyone else. I get too stressed out with my academics and the extra-curricular activities that I am doing at my university. So once in a while, I must remind myself of how funny life can get. Today, I am confident that I will become a nurse. In the future, who knows? Maybe I'll end up pursuing my acting career.

Just remember this: In anything that you do, have passion. Let whatever you are pursuing be the fire to your fuel because if you do not have the enthusiasm, you are risking your happiness and success.

Your whole world isn't revolved around academia, even though it's an important aspect. Start a habit, get involved in clubs, organizations, or Greek life. Pursue leadership, personal growth, and charity. Focus on what makes you happy while still focusing on academics -- after all, your future career won't be the only thing in your life.

Some of my friends say that I have a "cool" life when they hear about the things I have done or people that I have met. However, I do the things that I do in order to figure myself out. I don't know who I am, and I'm not particularly great at anything -- so why not try different things to help me find myself along the way? As Albert Einstein said, "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious."

Quote of the day: "Anything that gets your blood racing is worth doing." - Hunter Thompson

Much sun,


Monday, January 25, 2016

Walks and Thoughts

January 25th

There is one quote I found online that really got to me:

"Thoughts come clearly when one walks."

Over the winter break, I hiked a lot. However, since I am now back to school without a car, I just take walks on campus. I mostly go in the evening alone; I look for places on campus where it's quiet and beautiful. There are some spots where no other students go, especially in the evening. Most nights, I stop at a certain hideout and read my Bible or listen to music before going back to my dorm.

Potato Chip - San Diego

The beautiful thing about taking evening walks is that you have some time for yourself.

Personally, relaxation is something that I'm terrible at. I know a lot of people can't wait to go home, take a bath, drink tea, eat ice cream, and watch their favorite TV shows. Some people even work out to relax. I've tried it all - I hate baths (it's like sitting in your own filth), drinking tea isn't really relaxing, eating ice cream makes me hyper, and watching TV shows makes me too emotionally attached to characters, which stresses me out even more. I can't even talk about working out; I have a complicated way of motivating myself, and trust me, it is not relaxing it any way.

However, when it comes to hiking and walking, relaxing doesn't seem so hard. For one, walking is a very simple task that has been embedded in our bodies since however old you started walking.

When I go for a walk alone, I put my earphones on, but don't listen to music. I like walking and knowing that I can just wonder off with my thoughts. There's no music, white noise, or people talking to influence my thoughts.

Art Building - SDSU

I like thinking about how my day went, of ways I could have done things better, about what I'm doing tomorrow. I like wondering about how my family is doing, what my best friends did that day, or how my classmates did on a quiz. I like the fact that I can simply think, and not have to answer to anyone.

Although I still take a walk alone every night, I also started going on nightly walks with some of my friends from the nursing program. It's different from walking alone, but it still feels just as beautiful. Not in a relaxing kind of way, but in an adventurous kind of way. I have seen the school in a different perspective; we have gone to places on campus I have never thought to explore alone. These adventures have been fun, and I have gotten to know my friends better from these walks. I have seen sides that I don't see when we're studying, or only walking to class together.

Some pictures from walking with friends:


I know you're thinking: what's the point of writing this?

Well, like what the quote says, thoughts truly do come clearly when one is on a walk. Try it out. The world is too fast; things go by too quickly, and rarely do we ever have a chance to slow down and enjoy the small things around us. Go on a walk alone, and take a deep breath. Try to empty your mind of things that are too stressful and unnecessary. Block out the bad, and think of only the good.

I'm glad I have finally found a way to relax. I always thought that I'm the kind of person who does better when under pressure, but now that I have a place to destress, I find that I think, feel, and act better when I'm not tense.

This is just the first step of my year of growth. I can't wait for many more to come.

Remember this: "Little by little, one walks far."

Much sun,

Annika :)

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Year of Growth

January 16

Oops, I haven't posted in a while...

Well, here's the summary since Thanksgiving break:
√ Finals week = ended with a 3.3 GPA
√ Winter Break = over on 19th
√ Lots of hiking
√ Lots of family time
√ Lots of friends x adventures
√ Lots of church time
√ Lots of reading [for fun]
√ Lots of food runs
√ LA adventures x my best friend's birthday

So, 2016: Year of Growth
This is the year I have dedicated for my own spiritual growth and mental maturity.

Since 2015 was the year of transition - high school to college, house to dorm, small to large church, dependent to independent, minor to 'adult' - it is now time to grow from the transition. Now that I have gotten used to college, new friends, long distance friendships, networking, processed food, and sleepless nights, I believe that it is time for me to spend a year for myself.

I am the type of a person who thinks that it is selfish for an individual to think about himself first before others; however, one of the things that I learned in 2015 is that it is important to spend quality time with yourself.

Palos Verdes hike - Jan 2nd
My "Resolution" for this year is to grow. I aim to grow as a Christian, as a lady, as a child, friend and student. I aim to mature, not only mentally but also emotionally and spiritually.

I have two main goals:
1) Grow in my walk with the Lord,
2) Take good care of myself.

I want to be the kind of Christian that walks the walk, rather than talks and maybe walk. I want to live the Christian life; to have a more intimate relationship with the Lord, to pray more, to be cautious of the things that I think, say, and do. My goal is to praise Him in all that I do, and to serve Him in all that I can. I don't want to be the type of Christian who only calls for the Lord when I need help or when I am buried with burdens. I want to thank Him for all that He does for me; for waking me up in the morning, for letting me arrive safely to wherever I need to be, for giving me the opportunities He has given me. I aim to read my Bible everyday and pray everyday and spend time with only the Lord.

Like what the children song says, "Read your Bible everyday, and you will grow, grow, grow." 

Apart from my spiritual walk, I am dedicating 2016 to good health. Taking care of myself doesn't only mean taking my vitamins every morning, losing 30 pounds and eating vegetables. It also means starting and  continuing  quality, daily habits. I aim to drink more water, eat healthier, keep clean (especially my room), walk more, sleep earlier and wake up earlier.I will be spending more time on meditation, making sure to keep my mind at peace and my heart at guard. 

Making my spiritual growth and physical health my first priority has never happened before; yet I believe that when I put God first, and treat my body as His temple, I will grow in ways more than I can imagine.  

So, we'll see, 2016. 

I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for me.

I'm heading back to San Diego in just a couple days - spring semester, I'm ready for you.

My quote of the year: "Let your faith be bigger than your fear;" after all, how can I fear when Jesus is near? ♫ ♬  

Much sun,


winter break through instagram - @annikadaph

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Count Your Blessings ❤️

November 26

2015 has been quite a year...

To begin with, I am thankful for the Lord for blessing me with such a great year. As I reflect on 2015, I cannot remember anything else but endless memories that have helped shape me into the person I am today.

"reflect" -- get it? hehe.
I'm not sure how to write this post because there are so many people and so many things that I am sincerely grateful for. My life is blessed beyond measure and I cannot thank the Lord enough for giving me a life with family and friends who helped me grow everyday.

I am thankful that I managed to graduate high school, got into a college, and attend a university as a nursing major. I am thankful that I am surviving and that I can see a future after serving my four years. Many take their education for granted because they do not see anything beyond the homework and exams that they must do; however, education is more than that. Going to university isn't purely based on what grades you get (although it feels like that sometimes), it's about self-discovery and personal development. I have seen myself grow throughout high school and even just in my first semester of college. I am thankful that I have an access to education because many children out there do not have the opportunity to go to school and learn.

I am thankful to have a home and to have a family who has been there for me through thick and thin. This year has been quite something else for us... my older sister got married, my older brother is in graduate school, I started university, and my little sister is learning how to drive. Yet through all these changes, my parents still give us their unconditional support and my siblings and I do not feel as if we are really ever apart. I am thankful because God blessed me with a family that also loves Him and a family that cherishes the meaning of family. I am blessed because I know that no matter what I do, no matter where I go, I will always have a family that will welcome me with open arms (and several jokes questioning my existence since I rarely call them anymore).

 I am thankful for my friends -- the ones from church and the ones from school. My friends have impacted my life in ways I couldn't imagine. If you know me, you know that I have a lot of friends and each and every one has played a huge role in my life. They give me happiness, support, love, care and confidence that I lack. It's easy to be friends with someone when they are happy because you can celebrate them, but it's hard when they're sad because then they are a burden. However, I can proudly say that I know my friends will happily carry my burdens for me and help me as I go through a hard time. Growing up, it was hard to make friends... but now I know that sometimes that's actually good because you wouldn't want random people into your life. You want those who will unconditionally support you and sincerely love you and accept you for who you are as an individual. I am thankful because I have found friends who share my humor, support my career path, slap me when I'm wrong, and keep me going in the right path. God has blessed me with friends who care for me, and I am eternally thankful for that.

elaina & lauree ❤️
my Big and G
Bry ❤️
Nursing Trio
OG +++
I am thankful for those who have tried to break me down over the years. There hasn't been many, since my life mostly consists of positivity. However, I am thankful for those who have been mean to me and to those who have broken my heart. Without you, I wouldn't have been able to grow and discover my strengths and weaknesses as an individual. I wouldn't have been able to know where to improve on and how to handle a bad situation.

Lastly, I am thankful for all the experiences I have had. There are so many stories that could be told from 2015 alone... from fun trips, hang outs, jokes, many tears that have been shed, broken ankles, broken backs, all nighters... yet the most important thing is that all those stories are what make my life amazing. The experiences that I have had, from graduating high school to joining a service fraternity in college, are the backbone to my life's purpose. I am thankful for every moment, every second, every minute, every hour, and for every memory that the Lord has blessed me with in 2015.

pledge historian
phebotomy experience

as their momma in ROTC
President in AVID
learned how to ride a bike
many years of science olympiad
fun with fellow nursing majors
my peanut butter
APO & nursing trio
all my memories with them ❤️

If you're reading this, I am most likely thankful for you as well. Give thanks to those who have made your life as it is today, whether it be good or bad. The people we encounter, even just for second, plays a huge role in our lives. We may not see the reason now, but someday we will look back to that one little second and think, "Oh... that's why that happened."

Don't only focus on the delicious food you will be eating today, but truly reflect upon everything you are thankful for.

Try to count your blessings -- it is nearly impossible.

Gobble up and I love you all. ❤️

Much sun,

Annika. :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Just Another Beginning

November 18th

Instead of doing everything I must do tonight, I have decided to procrastinate for a little bit. 

There is one quote that perfectly explains my last eight weeks here in San Diego State: "The best things in life appear when you least expect them." 

Alpha Phi Omega - this stressful, time-consuming, national service fraternity is the best thing that has happened to me in college. I have had my ups and downs, but it has provided me a family away from my home. Every time I fall, someone picks me up. Every time I fail, someone encourages me to do better. My pledge brothers expect the best from me and motivate me to give beyond my limits. I have been forced to learn my strengths and weaknesses, and use them to grow as an individual.  

Initially, all I expected was to get through the pledging process, do a couple services, attend long night general body meetings, and that's it. I stayed because my nursing friends stayed. However, now that we're TWO DAYS away from crossing, it's hit me. I cannot imagine my first semester in college without APO. Sure, I could have had more time to study. Yes, maybe I could have spent more time with my suite-mates. And, yes, okay, maybe I could have been more involved with other organizations. However, the time I have put into APO and getting to know everyone in APO has been worth every single thing I could have done. 

I cannot imagine my life right now without the 37 pledge brothers, the pledge committee, and pledge moms that I have. I don't know who would have picked me up when I was at my lowest low, who could have given me multiple hugs when I needed it the most, who could have laughed with me at my highest point and who could have been my own personal models for a weekend. The Omicron pledge class has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. ❤️ // i can just imagine them yelling "SIMP" right now. 

Fall Fellowship '15 - some of Omicron Pledge Class

Along with my pledge class, I have been given a family (s/o Omega). I have been given a Big (❤️❤️❤️), a G, and a G2 that I love oh-so-very much. Even though I don't see them a lot due to all of our busy schedules (and the fact that my G2 is an alumni), I could not be any happier whenever I see or talk to them. I brag about how awesome my line is all the time. My Big is AH-MAZING, my G is madame president of the fraternity and my G2 is the best dork anyone could ever get Denny's with. My line is the reason I want to get involved as an active next semester. 

Also, a huge shout out to everyone also in APO from other schools. The inter-chapter events have been such a huge part of my pledging process -- so much love and fun and memories shared with the actives and pledges from different chapters (especially Phi Delta, Lambda Mu, Rho Rho & Rho Pi!). One of the things that made me the happiest during my pledge process was getting to know other chapters and all of the brothers involved in this fraternity.

my fave from UCSD Rho Pi

I don't really know what else to say about this fraternity other than thank you. Even though I'll be spending endless hours editing a video for the banquet on Friday, I know it's all worth it because I'll be able to see your beautiful faces even when I'm not with you. You have all provided me with brotherhood I did not expect from joining in the beginning. I could not have loved, laughed, cried and danced more without you all. 

Now that the pledging process is over, my focus is 20000% back to academics. However, I know that I'll be that one stubborn child who will give my best to stay involved (and maybe even be on board someday??) despite the stress of being a nursing major. It's okay to be a little insane if you're doing it for the right people. ❤️ 

I just need to survive tonight and live through tomorrow and Friday. Then I'll be heading home for Thanksgiving break. Although I won't be able to see my mother who is currently abroad, I cannot wait to see the rest of my family and friends in Orange County. No matter how awesome San Diego may be, there is still no place like home. 

I am thankful for ALL of you. 

Much sun (although it's been cold lately),
 Annika. :)   

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Plot Twists and Life Lessons

October 14th

College has been throwing me a lot of plot twists lately.

To begin with, attending SDSU is one big plot twist in my life. In high school, I never planned on moving away from home and even if I did, San Diego was not on my list. But this plot twist has so far been an amazing experience -- I love it here. There are so many things I have done and encountered and people I have met that I wouldn't have met otherwise.

I have learned to love and accept the plot twists life gives me. I may have a rough draft of how I want my life to run until I'm 30, but I have come to realize that unexpected situations are put into my life for a reason. Whether they be good or bad, I will always come out a better and stronger person from them.

Since coming here, multiple plot twists have occurred.
For example, a year ago, I would have laughed at someone's face if they told me I would be a part of a fraternity... yet here I am. I am currently in the pledging process of a service and leadership co-ed fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega. And I love it.

That's just one example. Don't get me wrong -- some of the lemonades I've made from the lemons life has thrown me ended up being sour. But it's okay because I have learned to add a little bit more sugar the next time.

I don't exactly know what that little sugar is, but I know that my college experience will help me figure it out. The people I have met here and the environment I have decided to surround myself with will help me find that sweetness I need in my life.

I can tell you now that the past two months I have been here has been an endless amount of learning. Aside from academics, I have learned a lot about other people, other cultures and myself. My morals and conviction and strength are being tested everyday, and I am slowly learning how to stand up again and again.

Even though my life still needs that little sugar,  every single time I have made a sour lemonade, there has always been a friend to add a little bit of theirs to make it better for me. Whether it be through Skype, call, text or one of the friends I have made here in college or at church, I have a constant support system. Of course, my number one support is God and my Bible; however, physical support never hurts. I can't even count how many pats on the back or hugs or words of encouragement I have gotten every time I would hit a low.  I can't verbalize just how thankful I am for each and every single person God has given me in my life. There is never a day when I would feel unloved and not taken care of. If anything, I am always surrounded by an endless amount of honesty, love and care through my family and friends and even instructors from my school.

I am waiting for the day I will be hit by another plot twist because that may be the time I will finally learn who I truly am. I have not hit that point in my life where I can say, "Hello, my name is Annika and this is who I am." I am still in the process of developing as a servant, a daughter, a student and friend. My college life is benefiting me in the sense that I am growing every day, sometimes even without me noticing.

To all you seniors currently applying for college: once it has come to the time where you need to choose a school to attend, choose wisely. You may not end up following your Plan A, but life has an immense amount of opportunity out there for you.

We may not know the reason behind everything that is going on in our lives, but someday we will look back and see why. We don't need to see to believe; we may not have the ability to see our future right now, but we have every reason to believe that the life we have ahead of us is going to be something beyond we expect. I'm pretty sure a lot of adults can agree with me, and even think about their lives at my age and see how that has shaped them into the person they are today.

There is one thing I challenge all who may read this blog (if there are any): be kind. Be kind to others, and especially to yourself. We may hit a low, even our lowest low, but we will always have at least one person (and if not, God) to pick us right back up and give us a little nudge to motivate us to keep on going. Don't beat yourself up for hitting a low because everyone hits a low -- it's part of being a human.

My rant is officially over. :P
My goal, now that midterms is over, is to make time to write more. This has become my official creative outlet, and without it, I tend to get a little crazy. Have a GREAT life, and thanks for even reading this. I know most of people I know have crazy busy schedules.

"If what's ahead scares you, and what's behind hurts you, then look above; God will guide you."

Much sun,
