Tuesday, April 5, 2016

An Open Letter to my High School Senior friends

05 April 2016

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams." Thoreau

Dear my senior friends,

I hope you enjoyed your senior year. Now that you've sent your college applications, have received your (most) college letters, it is time to enjoy your last days in high school. Time to get ready for prom, for graduation, and keep your grades just good enough not to get rescinded.

When I was a senior, I let go off all of my worries after getting accepted to college. I spent time with my friends, lowerclassmen, and even some of my teachers. I ditched a couple classes to make some good memories, went out for coffee with friends I haven't talked to since sophomore year and made sure I let my teachers know just how much I appreciated all the work they helped me with.

I hope you're doing some of these things.

I know high school seems like it kind of sucks sometimes, but trust me, sometimes I miss high school. I miss the workload, the teachers who inspired me and helped me become the person I am now, and being forced to see my best friends every single day.

Once I got into colleges and chose the school to go to, I felt free. But scared. I felt free because, wow - a college wanted me! I have my fall semester planned out! But at the same time, I was scared because I won't be living at home. Although my school is only two hours away from home, it's still far enough for me to miss it.

So, this is mainly for my friends who won't be living at home next year: it will be okay. I know that most of you just cannot wait to get out of your house, but at the same time, you have a tint of fear that you won't like it where you go.

College is difficult to adjust to in the beginning. I have to be honest and say that I cried a lot. I called my friends from home on a daily basis, wanting their company more than these losers who live in my building. I ate alone most of the time. I stayed quiet in class.

But if there is one thing I learned, it is that you have to try to get out of your comfort zone. Talk to new people, introduce yourself to the other freshmen in your classes, and join a club you're interested in. College is so big that you'll definitely find a home.

I met 100+ other students during my first month here, but I still only talk to two of them. Eventually, I joined a co-ed fraternity, a club, and an association for my major. Within these things, I found my home. The girl who cried almost daily during the first month eventually made friends and found her will to grow as an individual.

But what if you end up not liking it at all?
What if you end up hating your major, your school, the people around you?

It. Will. Be. Okay.

We're young - it's not too late for change.

It's normal to change majors, or even to change universities. I know a couple friends who changed their majors the first month of school, or even at the end of the semester. I also know a couple people who have switched from university to the next.

The most important thing is that you are happy where you are, and you feel that you are provided with the opportunities that you are looking for, whether it be through clubs or networking for your major.

What I learned the most from university is that you grow every day. You mess up, and you learn from it. You get to try new things you never even thought you would do (like me joining a co-ed fraternity), and you become friends with people you never thought you'd meet.

It's okay to be scared, especially if you go out of state. But remember one thing: you'll be starting a whole new chapter in your life. Make the most of it.

When summer comes, make a plan. What you want to pack, what you need to buy, what you want to explore, goals you want to accomplish while in college. I encourage you all to just go for it. The possibilities are unlimited. You get to create your own path and be inspired to do something you probably wouldn't have thought of in high school. For some of us, college is one more step in reaching our dreams for the future.

So, cheers to all my senior friends. You only have a couple more weeks to go! Have fun, and make memories. Then, the next thing you know, you'll be off to begin a new adventure.

I cannot wait to see what college has in store for all of you.

With love,

P.S. I watched a lot of youtube videos about my college (SDSU), what to pack for college, what to expect in college, what I wish I knew before college. If you have any questions, feel free to talk to me.

Dedicated to: Jessica Oh