Sunday, June 21, 2015

Adventure Is Out There

June 21st

Last week, I had quite an adventure. I don't have much to say other than I had a lot of fun with my friends and family! 

So instead of talking to you about my week, I shall show you a lot of pictures instead! 

There is a new After's Ice Cream that opened up near my house and my brother wanted to try it. So we went literally an hour before I had to go to the gym. Let's just say that my tummy was hurt and my trainer was not happy with me.

On Thursday, my friend Ivanna toured me around Coastkeeper Garden (that's a check from my bucketlist!) and took me hiking at Santiago Oaks Regional Park. I learned so many things about trees, plants, flowers...


my favorite!

the perfect plant for me - a dwarf, just like me!

We saw a Greenhouse!

I also learned that taking the road less traveled isn't always the best idea. Ivanna and I got lost at Santiago Oaks and ended up at a dead end sidewalk with a bunch of huge houses to the side. We had no idea where we were going, and had to turn around in order to find our way back. Lesson learned: don't ever trust me when it comes to making hiking decisions.

On Friday, I went to San Diego to explore the college I will be attending this fall (#goaztecs), my new church, and Old Town San Diego. I didn't take a lot of pictures because I had to save my battery...

it's a long ride

Then we spent the rest of the day and night at Seaworld!

my favorites!

On Saturday, my sister and I helped out at our church for a clean up and then we went to Boiling Crab (first time, weird place, yummy food!). I don't have any pictures from those, but it was fun!

The clean-up from my church is due to deconstruction. We are building up a bigger one because our six year old church is starting to grow. :)

After that, my sisters and I went to Anaheim Packing District for the Anaheim Night Market and met up with our friends. The Packing District is truly packed, but the good food and music and vendors was absolutely worth it.

Around 8pm, sisters decided to go home, so we took our friends with us. We spent the rest of the night eating ice cream, playing cards, talking about camping, and sitting on my drive way. It was an absolutely amazing night.

literally the only picture at Packing District

Anyway. Happy Father's Day to all of you dads, daddy figures, single moms, and other guardians out there! Love you all!

Much sun, 

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